RELLIS Coordinates: N30 38' 26.6" X W96 27' 42.7"

The Most Groundbreaking 2,300 Acres on Earth

View the RELLIS Campus Core Capabilities

Innovation & Technology Ecosystem

Designed to accelerate advancement in support of strategic initiatives of national interest.

Technology Readiness at Scale

Infrastructure (2,300 acres) and facilities supporting the Technology Readiness Level program cycle with a “develop, model, test, break, fix, test” methodology.

Tier One Leadership & Support

Texas A&M’s premier Tier One multidisciplinary education and research.

To Change The Game You Need a Big Playing Field.

These 2,300 Acres Affect the other 23 Billion.

The proof is in the air, the ground and all around.

State-of-the-art accessible Proving Grounds supporting manned/unmanned, controlled/ autonomous air and ground technological development. From drone capabilities to smart intersections, RELLIS provides significant capacity for testing our best future for mobility.

Technicians in a laboratory.

Testing tomorrow’s infrastructure, today within our exclusive ecosystem.

Home of the Nation’s largest university-affiliated Transportation research institute as well as the Center for Infrastructural Renewal where extreme conditions put materials to the test.

Four well lit fire fighters hosing down a flame.

FIRE, FUEGO, Φωτιά, OGIEN, حريق. No matter how you say it, we’ll help you fight it.

Access to a world class training ecosystem to include the Nation’s largest fire and disaster training facility and National emergency response site that saves lives every year through the international training courses.

Testing tomorrow’s communications by simulating your environment in ours.

The nation’s largest next-gen communications test range offering a suite of networks including the latest 5G technologies for customized experimentation, development, and curation.

Lone engineer stands in a hypersonic launch tunnel.

Everyday trips to the unknown.

At scale, proprietary applied research facilities for hypersonics, directed energy, materials impact testing, and energetics. Where “next generation” is an expectation not a hope.

Reproductive animals in a field with stormy sky in background.

Agriculture is fundamentally at the root and integral to the future of sustaining our nation.

Ground-breaking agriculture facilities and global technology driving animal biotechnology and meat science research.

Making the World a better place. One Breakthrough at a time.

Texas A&M RELLIS Innovation & Tech Campus

For More Information

Kelly Templin

James Bright
Deputy Director