4th of July Fireworks and Drones Show at RELLIS
Welcome from Chancellor John Sharp
You are invited to the 5th Annual Drive-in Fireworks and Drones Show at the Texas A&M-RELLIS Campus.

The Texas A&M University System and our sponsors are delighted to bring this tradition to our community. WTAW (FM 94.5/AM 1620) has again volunteered to broadcast music synced to the fireworks and drones show provided by the Chancellor’s Century Council and our other sponsors.
KBTX will also televise the event on its CW 8 channel for those who cannot attend. You can also find it on KBTX’s Facebook page or app.
While this Fourth of July Celebration began during the pandemic, it continues today because this community deserves the biggest and best show around.
This is an opportunity for our community to witness the dramatic growth at our A&M-RELLIS Campus, which is fast becoming a critical component in our nation’s defense, a research hub for future technologies and an extension of our A&M System universities and Blinn College.
More importantly, the Fourth of July is a time for all of us to celebrate our nation’s independence and reflect on the blessings of living in this great land.
God Bless America!
— John Sharp

Contact: Laylan Copelin
Vice Chancellor of Marketing and Communications
(979) 458-6425
(512) 289-2782 cell